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Portfolio Property Investments (PPI) is a South African real estate and property brokerage company that specialises in the Sales, Lettings and Full Management of Residential, Commercial and Industrial property in South Africa.

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Estate Planning - Why it Matters, and How To Get Started

Estate planning is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your assets and to ensure that your loved ones are cared for after you’re gone. It goes beyond just having a will, although that is of course an essential first step when it comes to executing your plan.

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Legal View - Fired for not Working on the Sabbath

Our courts do not tolerate unfair discrimination in the workplace, and employers need to tread particularly carefully when it comes to the concept of “automatically unfair discrimination”. Get that one wrong and you could be penalised with an order to pay your employee two years of earnings as compensation.

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AMSA - the sound and fury of a partial closure

AMSA, started life as Iscor, the South African Iron and Steel Corporation, way back in the 1920s. It was established by Hendrik van der Bijl, the pioneer who single-handedly industrialised South Africa and who also started Eskom, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), Safmarine and more. Over the years, Iscor played a huge role in South Africa’s industrialisation, producing the steel essential for a modern industrial economy.

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Innovation in Focus - Innovation Summit shaping the future of Real Estate

The built environment is changing, driven by rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, digitalisation, and geospatial technology. At Knight Frank’s Innovation Summit in November experts from academia, technology, and real estate came together to explore how these trends are shaping the future of our sector. 

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Europe - Rate cuts, Tariffs and Defence Spending

Five rate cuts by the European Central Bank (ECB) to date and five by the end of the year – that’s the view of forecasting house Capital Economics. This sets Europe, excluding the ultra-low rate-loving Swiss, on a different path compared to the US and UK. 

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Portfolio Property Investments: The online platform to find commercial properties

The search for the ultimate commercial property begins right here, on Portfolio Property Investments. We’ve created an easy to use platform on which we display all kinds of Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg based commercial properties, including warehouses and office parks.

Our property brokerage company specialises in selling commercial property, while we also manage the letting of commercial, residential and industrial properties in some of South Africa’s biggest cities. We’ve been in the industry for over 10 years and we’ve changed the way that people approach the buying, selling and letting of commercial property. By having all the information you could need, listed online, you can quickly and easily find the perfect property through the use of our property search facility. This online search tool allows you to exactly match your property requirements with the properties we have available. This narrows down the search and makes it easier than ever to find a property that has everything you need. Once you have registered on the site, you will be the first to receive notifications when a new listing is added to the site, and you will also receive a monthly newsletter, keeping you up to date about industry developments and opportunities. On our platform, we have sourced all types of properties. We’ve integrated the property buying and selling process, by creating a vast network of sellers, buyers, investors and developers as well as the relevant property institutions. This is what makes our website an all-encompassing property platform, where everything you need is all in one place.

Why Buy Commercial Property

While most investors are looking at the residential property market as the place to put their money, there are many times when highly valuable commercial properties are overlooked. A commercial property investment might not be for everyone, as it is a more intricate industry, but when you have the right information and you have access to the right resources, commercial property investments in cities like Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg can yield real profits. Commercial property is always going to be in high demand in high value areas, and when you own and let commercial property, you will be making a handsome return on your investments. There are three main reasons why people should be investing in commercial property:
  1. Enjoy longer leases

    With residential properties, there is always the possibility of losing tenants, sometimes overnight. In general, most residential property tenants are not going to sign a lease of 12 months, and should they fall on tough times, they won’t pay the rent, leaving it up to you to cover your investment. Commercial property tenants are very different. They are fully functional, often highly profitable businesses. You can create a lease agreement lasting between 3 to 5 years and you can add an annual increase in the lease amount. This gives you more protection while it also means your tenant can comfortably stay in the same building, something which can be important for their marketing.
  2. Almost certain return on your investment

    Most commercial property for sale is pricey. But the rewards are certainly worth it. When compared to residential property, your commercial property, whether it is an industrial factory in Durban or a high rise office park in Johannesburg, will provide you with a very high return on your investment. In the long run, you are going to be enjoying higher earnings.
  3. Fewer Risks

    The final great benefit of investing in a business property or a factory, is that you will have to endure fewer risks. The biggest risk you run is having a tenant who doesn’t pay their rent or who doesn’t look after the property you are leasing to them. But with proper screening, checks and leasing management, this risk isn’t going to affect you.
When it comes to residential properties, South African law makes it difficult for you to evict your tenant. Luckily, the Prevention of Illegal Eviction Act (or the PIE Act) does not apply to commercial properties and so you can get rid of a non-paying or destructive tenant quickly and without having to worry about this law. There are a few risks that come with commercial property ownership, but the benefits outweigh the risks when you approach your investment the smart way.

Our Approach to Commercial Property for Sale

Since our company was founded in 2005, we’ve helped countless clients find various types of commercial property throughout South Africa. Our diverse client base includes property funds listed on the JSE, private business spaces and landlords looking to build stable property portfolios. Our approach is one of professionalism, with high service standards being the norm when we work with our clients. With us, it is about more than helping our clients to buy and sell properties. We take the time to understand the markets, stay up to date with the industry and pay careful attention to our marketing initiatives. Our business has grown from strength to strength thanks to client referrals as well as returning clients.

Our Helpful Website Tools

To make your life easier, and to ensure that you find the right commercial property, we have a few tools that you are going to find helpful. With a bond calculator, affordability calculator, and legal costs calculator, you will be in a better position to make the right decision when buying business property.

Don’t waste another moment looking for commercial property by pouring over websites and visiting numerous agencies. Instead, use Portfolio Properties. We’ll help you find all kinds of commercial property in Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg.